Tuesday, February 19, 2008

E-Book: Secrets and Techniques Hypnotic

Find the big secrets and techniques of hypnotic in these e-book. Not just to know, but you can do the trick!

The techniques and instructions that you are about to learn in this book will change your life forever! The idea that you have the power within you to change your reality is not a far fetched concept. People have be doing it for eons. Some non mainstream religions preach this, and even some species of animals are able to manipulate their reality (but that is a whole other story). So why haven't you learned or heard about these techniques before? Well, there are a whole slew of possible reasons why this type of knowledge has slipped from your hands (and you could probably come up with some of your own).

- 7 Success Secrets of Hypnotism
- How To Hypnotize People And Other Living Things
- Hypnosis Advanced Hypnotic Techniques
- Hypnosis for Beginners
- Instant Fact - how to get the truth out of anyone
- Mind Power Seduction Manual

Monday, February 18, 2008

E-Book: Catch & Serve your Web Visitor!

Para peselancar dunia Internet seperti halnya Saya dan Anda pasti memiliki sebuah kemampuan untuk menilai dan membuat keputusan tentang apa yang akan kita lakukan terhadap website tersebut, klik Close (x) ? atau mencoba melihat isi di dalamnya ? setelah itu keputusan berikutnya: suatu saat kita akan kembali mengakses web tersebut atau tidak ?

Catch and Serve your web visitor! Tangkap dan layani pengunjung website Anda! Menangkap tentu saja pekerjaan yang tidaklah mudah, namun melayani dan menjaga ”tangkapan” tersebut jauh lebih sulit.

Itulah latar belakang tulisan ini ditulis untuk menjadi wacana bagi Anda yang ingin memikat para peselancar Internet untuk menjadi pengunjung setia website yang Anda punya.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

E-Book: Seni Internet Hacking

Hacking terhadap sebuah aplikasi Internet, semakin hari semakin marak. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh beberapa sebab diantaranya, banyaknya programmer yang tidak memahami masalah keamanan aplikasi , semakin tangguhnya pertahanan sistem operasi dan semakin umumnya penggunaan produk irewall dan antivirus. Akibatnya adalah, serangan semakin tertuju ke aplikasi yang dibuat.

Buku ini dibuat agar Anda bisa memahami tentang apa dan bagaimana sebuah aplikasi bisa dikatakan tidak aman dan bagaimana bisa diambil alih oleh hacker. Tentu saja, termasuk bagaimana mencegahnya agar Anda tidak menjadi korban.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

E-Book: Mind Performance Hacks

Mind Performance Hacks provides real-life tips and tools for overclocking your brain and becoming a better thinker.

In the increasingly frenetic pace of today's information economy, managing your life requires hacking your brain.

With this book, you'll cut through the clutter and tune up your brain intentionally, safely, and productively.

Friday, February 15, 2008

E-Book: Autocad

Tutorial Autocad 2005

Thursday, February 14, 2008

E-Book: Professional Ajax

This book covers the various aspects of Ajax, including the different ways you can initiate HTTP requests to the server and the different formats that can be used to carry data back and forth. You will learn different Ajax techniques and patterns for executing client-server communication on your web site and in web applications.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

E-Book: Ajax Hacks

Ajax, the popular term for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is one of the most important combinations of technologies for web developers to know these days. With its rich grouping of technologies, Ajax developers can create interactive web applications with XML-based web services, using JavaScript in the browser to process the web server response.

Taking complete advantage of Ajax, however, requires something more than your typical "how-to" book. What it calls for is Ajax Hacks from O'Reilly. This valuable guide provides direct, hands-on solutions that take the mystery out of Ajax's many capabilities. Each hack represents a clever way to accomplish a specific task, saving you countless hours of searching for the right answer.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

E-Book: How To Use Adobe Photoshop CS2

Have you ever looked at your color pictures and wished you could make them black and white?

Or maybe you've dreamed about taking that photo of your brother, cutting the head off and placing it on the body of a grizzly bear.

The tool that you need is Adobe Photoshop and the book you need to learn all about it is How to Use Adobe Photoshop CS 2. Visually step through the process of creating images, manipulating them and then optimizing them for print or the web. The step-by-step approach used throughout the book will make it simple to learn the basic techniques involved in using Photoshop.

You will learn to:
- Convert files
- Work with tone and color
- Edit images using tools, paths and layers
- Build web files

Master the basics of Photoshop with the visual examples and easy-to-follow lessons in How to Use Photoshop CS 2.

Monday, February 11, 2008

E-Book: Maya at a Glance

Maya is a powerful 3D modeling, animation, effects, and rendering solution that has been used in everything from product design to feature films. In capable hands, it can produce any sort of image imaginable, from an impressionistic painting to highly realistic animation and special effects.

File Size = 7.96 MB @ 1 MB
Part.01 | Part.02 | Part.03 | Part.04 | Part.05
Part.06 | Part.07 | Part.08

Sunday, February 10, 2008

E-Book: Core Web Application Development with PHP and MYSQL

This is a comprehensive, practical guide for programmers who want to develop production-quality, database-enabled web applications with PHP and MySQL. Long-time developer Marc Wandschneider systematically addresses the entire process: not only coding, but also upfront application, user interface and database design, PLUS security, testing, and more.

You'll walk through building three applications from start to finish: a calendaring system, a weblog engine, and an e-commerce store. Along the way, youll master essential strategies for creating robust web database applications and learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that trip up many developers moving to PHP and MySQL.

File Size = 4.55 MB @ 1 MB
Part.01 | Part.02 | Part.03 | Part.04 | Part.05

Saturday, February 9, 2008

E-Book: CSS - Designing for the web

Direct from the creators of CSS, this is the definitive reference to CSS 2.1, today's indispensable standard for controlling the appearance of any Web or XML document. This full-color book doesn't just show how to use every significant CSS 1 and 2.x feature; it carefully explains the "why" behind today's most valuable CSS design techniques. You'll find practical, downloadable examples throughout—along with essential browser support information and best practices for building high-impact pages and applications.

Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web, Third Edition covers every CSS 2.1 improvement and fix, from new height/width definitions in absolutely positioned elements to new clip property calculations. Clear, readable, and thorough, it's the one must-have CSS resource for every Web developer, designer, and content provider.

File Size = 6.09 MB @ 1 MB
Part.01 | Part.02 | Part.03 | Part.04 | Part.05

Friday, February 8, 2008

E-Book: Hadits Arbain An-Nawawiyah

Compilation of (40) Hadits Arbain in PDF and HTML format.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

E-Book: Harun Yahya - Yesus Akan Kembali

Yesus (Isa) (as), sebagaimana rasul-rasul lainnya, merupakan seorang hamba pilihan Allah yang diutus kepada umat manusia untuk menyeru kepada jalan yang benar.

Meskipun demikian, ada beberapa sifat Yesus (as) yang membedakan dari rasul-rasul lainnya. Yang terpenting dari semua itu adalah dia telah diangkat Allah dan akan kembali lagi ke bumi.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

E-Book: Bantahan terhadap buku Harun Yahya

Manusia tidak dapat lepas dari kesalahan, sedangkan kewajiban setiap Muslim adalah saling mengingatkan di dalam menetapi kebenaran dan kesabaran. Harun Yahya –saddadahullahu- adalah diantara cendekiawan dan saintis muslim yang juga terperosok ke dalam kesalahan yang cukup fatal di dalam masalah aqidah.

Kesalahan-kesalahan beliau ini tersebar di mayoritas buku-bukunya yang membicarakan tentang Islam. Kami tidak menutup mata dari mashlahat yang beliau berikan bagi ummat di dalam membela Islam dan membantah faham-faham materialistis saintifis. Namun, biar bagaimanapun beliau adalah manusia yang kadang salah kadang benar, sehingga kita wajib menolak kesalahan-kesalahannya dan wajib menerangkannya kepada ummat agar ummat tidak terperosok ke dalam kesalahan yang sama. Semoga Allah menunjuki diri kami, diri beliau dan seluruh ummat Islam.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

E-Book: Harun Yahya - Keruntuhan Teori Evolusi

Sebagian orang yang pernah mendengar "teori evolusi" atau "Darwinisme" mungkin beranggapan bahwa konsep-konsep tersebut hanya berkaitan dengan bidang studi biologi dan tidak berpengaruh sedikit pun terhadap kehidupan sehari-hari. Anggapan ini sangat keliru sebab teori ini ternyata lebih dari sekadar konsep biologi. Teori evolusi telah menjadi pondasi sebuah filsafat yang menyesatkan sebagian besar manusia.

Filsafat tersebut adalah "materialisme", yang mengandung sejumlah pemikiran penuh kepalsuan tentang mengapa dan bagaimana manusia muncul di muka bumi. Materialisme mengajarkan bahwa tidak ada sesuatu pun selain materi dan materi adalah esensi dari segala sesuatu, baik yang hidup maupun tak hidup. Berawal dari pemikiran ini, materialisme mengingkari keberadaan Sang Maha Pencipta, yaitu Allah. Dengan mereduksi segala sesuatu ke tingkat materi, teori ini mengubah manusia menjadi makhluk yang hanya berorientasi kepada materi dan berpaling dari nilai-nilai moral. Ini adalah awal dari bencana besar yang akan menimpa hidup manusia.

Monday, February 4, 2008

E-Book: Harun Yahya - Menyikap Tabir Perang

Abad ke-20 adalah babak paling berdarah di sepanjang sejarah dunia. Selama masa ini, untuk pertama kalinya umat manusia diperkenalkan pada gagasan "perang dunia."

Secara keseluruhan, Perang Dunia pertama dan kedua telah menelan korban 65 juta jiwa. Sekitar separuh dari korban ini adalah warga sipil yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan kedua perang ini. Anak-anak, wanita, dan orang tua yang tak berdaya sama-sama dibantai secara kejam.
Sehingga, kita mungkin bertanya, bagaimana dunia bisa berada di tengah-tengah penyakit jiwa yang begitu meluas seperti itu? Bagaimana bisa manusia begitu mudahnya mengorbankan bangsanya sendiri maupun bangsa lain? Pemikiran apakah di balik kekejaman ini? Temukan di dalam buku ini...

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Tuntunan dzikir Al Ma'tsurat dalam format PDF, untuk diamalkan setiap pagi dan petang hari.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

E-Book: Ajax for dummies

This part introduces you to Ajax. You get a guided tour of the Ajax world here, and you get a chance to see how Ajax is used today.

A good sampling of Ajax applications are on view in Chapter 1, just waiting for you to check them out for yourself so you can see what Ajax has to offer. From autocomplete and live searches to Google Maps, I pack a lot of Ajax in here.

Next comes Chapter 2, which provides the JavaScript foundation that the rest of the book relies on. If you already know JavaScript, feel free to skip that material, but otherwise, take a look. Ajax is built on JavaScript, so you want to make sure you’ve got all the JavaScript you need under your belt before going forward.

File Size = 4.94 MB @ 1 MB
Part.01 | Part.02 | Part.03 | Part.04 | Part.05

Friday, February 1, 2008

E-Book: Model, Rig, Animate with 3ds max 7

This book focuses on the basics of modeling, rigging, and animating low-poly characters with 3ds max, a complete modeling, animation, and rendering software package by Discreet for the Windows operating system.

In recent years, 3ds max has become the mainstay modeling program for numerous game development, broadcast, and film companies. Artists at these companies use many of the techniques described in this book to create their animated scenes.

File Size = 7.12 MB @ 1 MB
Part.01 | Part.02 | Part.03 | Part.04 | Part.05
Part.06 | Part.07

The need for this book became apparent to me during day-to-day work with new animators attempting to learn how to model and rig their own characters. There are a few free resources on the Internet that can show you how to make a specific model, plus a couple of books that cover the topics from A to Z, but I couldn't find a simple, to-the-point resource that taught the basics for creating a model and rig while paving a foundation for more complex work.

Modeling and rigging are crafts that can take months or years to master, but they can also be used by the novice to start creating simple, rewarding scenes. Animating one's own visions is perhaps the most inspiring part of working in 3D, and I am of the opinion that you can start right here, right now. There's no need to learn every tool in 3ds max before you get results.

This book focuses on the fundamental techniques, going step-by-step with each tool so you know how it should be used. By the time you're done with this book, you'll be able to model, rig, and animate simple characters of your own design, and you'll be in great shape to take advantage of more complex techniques presented in other resources, such as the texts listed at the end of this book.

With this book, you're just a few steps away from making your visions a reality. May the learning process be enjoyable for you, and may you become the animator you've always dreamed of being.

Michele Bousquet

File Size = 7.12 MB @ 1 MB
Part.01 | Part.02 | Part.03 | Part.04 | Part.05
Part.06 | Part.07