Saturday, July 19, 2008 - my new blog

Here's my blog you can visit:

Friday, April 25, 2008

(Hot) Novel Laskar Pelangi

Ini adalah novel pertama dari Andrea Hirata Seman. Pertama kali dengar nama "Andrea Hirata", aku pikir ini adalah penulis asal Jepang :D, dan novel ini adalah novel terjemahan. Ternyata bukan. Andrea Hirata berasal dari Belitong. Dan novel ini kabarnya adalah memoar masa kecilnya dan semua pelakunya adalah nyata. Laskar Pelangi adalah teman2 masa kecilnya saat bersekolah di sekolah kampung yang miskin di Belitong. Tapi tidak disebutkan secara eksplisit dalam novel ini oleh Andrea Hirata bahwa ini adalah kisah nyata.

Diawali saat SD Muhammadiyah, sekolah kampung di Belitong dengan fasilitas yang sangat terbatas bahkan minus, membuka pendaftaran untuk murid baru kelas satu. Hingga saat2 terakhir pendaftaran hanya 9 orang anak yang mendaftar dan siap masuk kelas di hari pertama. Padahal sekolah reot ini sudah diancam untuk membubarkan diri jika murid barunya kurang dari 10 orang.

Di kalangan bawah, menyekolahkan anak berarti mengikatkan diri pada beban biaya yang harus ditanggung selama bertahun2. Dan tertutupnya kesempatan untuk mempekerjakan si anak secara penuh waktu demi membantu mengurangi beban hidup yang semakin berat. :(

Jika tak ada Harun, seorang anak berusia 15 tahun dengan keterbelakangan mental, yang disekolahkan oleh ibunya agar tidak cuma mengejar anak ayam di rumah, tentu tidak pernah terjadi kisah ini. Ikal tidak akan pernah bertemu, berteman satu kelas dengan Lintang, Mahar, Syahdan, A Kiong, Kucai, Borek alias Samson, Sahara, Trapani, dan Harun. Tidak akan pernah bertemu Bu Muslimah, guru penuh kasih namun penuh komitmen untuk mencerdaskan anak didiknya. Dan tidak akan pernah ada Laskar Pelangi, yang di musim hujan selalu melakukan ritual melihat pelangi sore hari dengan bertengger di dahan2 pohon filicium yang ada di depan kelas mereka.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jalur Bus Jogja


Trans Jogja

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ringtones Vol.2 (Tukul)

Tukul(Silent Please)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Tukul (Kembali ke Laptop)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Tukul (Sobek-sobek Mulutmu)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™


Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Report SMS

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Techno 1


Techno 2

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ringtones Collections vol.01 (Cinta Laura)

Cinta Laura (Mana ujan, ga ada ojek, becek)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Baby Sing a Song

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™


Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Dangdut (SMS)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Dangdut (SMS full)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Dangdut (SMS intro)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Dangdut (Jablai)

Ziddu | Unduh Apa Dong™

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tabel Denda Tilang Resmi (NEW)

Kalo sedang ditilang di jalan oleh polisi apapun, jangan sekali2 damai atau ngasi duit, bilang tilang aja langsung. Pertama hasilnya tuh polisi pasti kesel karena gak dapet duit, kedua, ngurusnya gampang kok, dan dendanya resmi…

Ini daftar tabel denda tilang resmi, buat "senjata" kalo sewaktu-waktu ditodong di tengah jalan sama oknum ga bertanggung jawab. Jadi ga perlu bayar diluar batas 'kewajaran' :D

Alternatif link download bagi yang tidak bisa mendownload dari

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yahoo! Multi Messenger 8 & Ads Killer

This will allow you to run multiple instances of Yahoo Messenger version 8 as well as block some of the chat and cam ads and may not work on lower builds/versions. Just ekstract all files in same directory, then start "Y!Multi Messenger.exe"

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yahoo Messenger Archive Reader

Read your Yahoo messenger archives with ease
Yahoo messenger requires you to be logged in to read your messenger archives. This program lets you read your messenger archives without logging in. It will display your Yahoo! messenger archives as they were meant to be displayed apart from no smileys. You can then save the Yahoo messenger archive you are currently viewing as a richtext file or as a web page.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rapidshare Download Direct 1.04

You can download anyfile from rapidshare, directly! Only copy and paste link. And then it will download automatic. During downloading you can pause and resume.
This is supposed to be paid for hence rapidshare has a deal with the company so it allows you to download direct as if you were premium user.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Novel Ayat-ayat Cinta

Ini adalah kisah cinta. Tapi bukan cuma sekedar kisah cinta yang biasa. Ini tentang bagaimana menghadapi turun-naiknya persoalan hidup dengan cara Islam. Fahri bin Abdillah adalah pelajar Indonesia yang berusaha menggapai gelar masternya di Al Ahzar. Berjibaku dengan panas-debu Mesir. Berkutat dengan berbagai macam target dan kesederhanaan hidup. Bertahan dengan menjadi penerjemah buku-buku agama. Semua target dijalani Fahri dengan penuh antusiasme kecuali satu: menikah.

Kenapa? Karena Fahri adalah laki-laki taat yang begitu ‘lurus’. Dia tidak mengenal pacaran sebelum menikah. Dia kurang artikulatif saat berhadapan dengan mahluk bernama perempuan. Hanya ada sedikit perempuan yang dekat dengannya selama ini. Neneknya, Ibunya dan saudara perempuannya.

Betul begitu? Sepertinya pindah ke Mesir membuat hal itu berubah. Tersebutlah Maria Girgis. Tetangga satu flat yang beragama Kristen Koptik tapi mengagumi Al Quran. Dan menganggumi Fahri. Kekaguman yang berubah menjadi cinta. Sayang cinta Maria hanya tercurah dalam diary saja.

Lalu ada Nurul. Anak seorang kyai terkenal yang juga mengeruk ilmu di Al Azhar. Sebenarnya Fahri menaruh hati pada gadis manis ini. Sayang rasa mindernya yang hanya anak keturunan petani membuatnya tidak pernah menunjukkan rasa apa pun pada Nurul. Sementara Nurul pun menjadi ragu dan selalu menebak-nebak.

Setelah itu ada Noura. Juga tetangga yang selalu disika Ayahnya sendiri. Fahri berempati penuh dengan Noura dan ingin menolongnya. Sayang hanya empati saja. Tidak lebih. Namun Noura yang mengharap lebih. Dan nantinya ini menjadi masalah besar ketika Noura menuduh Fahri memperkosanya.

Terakhir muncullah Aisha. Si mata indah yang menyihir Fahri. Sejak sebuah kejadian di metro, saat Fahri membela Islam dari tuduhan kolot dan kaku, Aisha jatuh cinta pada Fahri. Dan Fahri juga tidak bisa membohongi hatinya.

Lalu bagaimana bocah desa nan lurus itu menghadapi ini semua? Siapa yang dipilihnya? Bisakah dia menjalani semua dalam jalur Islam yang sangat dia yakini?

Temukan jawabannya di e-book ini...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Terjemah Adzan

Ceramah oleh ABU HAZIM perihal makna dan kandungan di dalam lafadz Adzan. File dalam bentuk .wma terdiri dari 2 bagian (side A & side B).

Side A | Side B

Thursday, April 10, 2008

(New) RUU & UU ITE

Indonesian Cyber Law.
RUU = "Rancangan Undang-undang"
UU = "Undang-undang"
ITE = "Informasi Transaksi Elektronik"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

UnLock Them All!

This program created to help you get back the computer setting changed by local virus from Group Policy.

Also can use to open settings locked by admin in internet cafe.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Unicode Qur'an Teks For Webmaster-Developers

This package has been especially compiled for use by developers and webmasters, and comprises of the following collections of data, each prepared in it's own Batch:

1. Holy Qur'an Text (Hafs Reading)
HTML (Unicode NCR), 114 Files (File for each Sura/Chapter)

2. Transliteration by MuslimNet
HTML (Unicode NCR), 114 Files (File for each Sura/Chapter)

3. English Translation
HTML, 114 Files (File for each Sura/Chapter)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Translation of Qur'an

In this file, you'll find 3 different type of files (.html, .xls, .exe) that contain 30 juz translation of Qur'an.

You can find any verse of Qur'an with the word searching facility. It's very simple to use. You don't need to install them, just open and enjoy it!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Shollu v3.08.2

Shollu is prayer times reminder for moslem.
The main aims of this program is to show warning or message to the user that prayer times is arrived or will arrived in a few minutes. so user can prepare immediately to pray ( Sholaah ).
Also included other features.

Different with version 2.15 and bellow that only support indonesian places / city, From version 3.00 sholu support international places. The required parameter is Latitude, Longitude, Altitude of the places.

User only set the setting once, after that shollu automatic update the prayer times. Also included major cities in Indonesia ( approx. 400 cities) and Major cities in the world ( 2.341 cities ).

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hadits Web v2.0

This is HaditsWeb 2.0, website that contain collections of hadiths, from lots of trustworthy hadiths book, Insya Allah.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hadith Viewer

Hadith Viewer is designed as a reference tool for anyone who wishes to learn about the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saw), The Last Prophet sent by Almighty God to humanity.

This version of Hadith Viewer allows additional Hadith collections (which can also be translated into different languages) to be downloaded from our website and installed, providing the chance to read and study in other languages!

File Size = 15.1MB @3MB

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quran Viewer

Quran Viewer is designed as a reference tool for anyone who wishes to learn more about the diverse content of the Glorious Qur'an.

This version of Qur'an Viewer allows additional Qur'an translations in different languages to be downloaded from our website and installed, providing the chance to read and study the Holy Book in other languages!

File Size = 5.93MB @2MB
Part.1 | Part.2 | Part.3

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Quran in Word (addons)

This program will add new menu "Al-Quran" on your microsoft word application.

You can insert ayah of quran or translation to your word document with easy.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Icon Edit 32

Icons are an important part of life with Windows. Every program has its own icon, as do system elements like Recycle Bin and My Computer.

Registered document types have their own distinctive icons so you can recognize them easily in Explorer's listings. Items on the Windows desktop are represented by large icons.

The Explorer tree view uses small icons. If you don't like the icon for the shortcut to a program or document, it's easy to change. Just right-click on it, choose Properties, and click the Change Icon button.

If you're running PC Magazine's Folders utility, you also can change the icons for folders. But what if you don't have the perfect replacement icon sitting around on your hard disk? Create your own unique icons with IconEdit32.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

@Icon Sushi v1.21

1) What's this?

This was FREEWARE convert Bitmap(*.BMP) and Icon(*.ICON) each other. ...but now, some other image formats are available.
- Import formats list (up to size of 256x256)
BMP - Windows Bitmap (1/4/8/24bit, Windows Bitmap, non compressed)
ICO (1/4/8/24/32bit)
PNG (1/4/8/24/32bit)
PSD (32bit = R G B Alpha channels, No Layer style, non compressed/RLE compressed)
EXE/DLL/ICL (16/32bit) of ICO (Group icon has been supported since v1.13)

- Export formats list (up to size of 256x256)
BMP (1/4/8/24bit, Windows Bitmap, non compressed)
ICO (1/4/8/24/32bit)
PNG (1/4/8/24/32bit)
ICL (16bit) of ICO (Group icon has been supported since v1.13)

2) Features
You can...
- Make Windows Vista format icons.
- Make Windows XP Icons. (By opening Photoshop/PNG files. By Alpha channel Editing tools.)
- Make Multiple-Icon which has some icons in a file.
- Edit Transparency-Mask.
- Open 1x1 to 256x256 size of images.
- Open 1/4/8/24/32bits color images.
- Extract icons from EXE/DLLs. - Group icon has been supported since v1.13.
- Import/Export Icon Library (*.ICL) - Group icon has been supported since v1.13.
- Copy to / Paste from Clipboard.
- Take screenshot of icon list.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Emoticonn Maker v4 (Portable)

The program is the fourth, and probably the last version of the Emoticon maker serie.

It was developped with GameMaker 5.2 and 5.3 beta ( The zipped file size is about 780.87 kB and the executable is about 1.60 MB.

The program offical release was on April second. It took about 4 months to developpe (note that it was inspired from previous versions of the program).

Friday, March 28, 2008

Quick Smile XP v2.0

Quick Smile is designed for forum members, blogers, and other people that want to use smilies in their email, weblog, site and forum.

With just single click, you can very easy to show the smilies in your post.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

GetSmile v1.952

Requested by: acn_box

Your e-mails look too ordinary? Your postings are just plain boring? Bring fun to your life! Delight yourself and people around you with a smile! You need just one program - GetSmile. This program lets you insert the most beautiful smilies in your messages. Just one mouse click stands between you and them.

Summary of the main program features:
* GetSmile helps you insert smilies in every message board that can accept new smilies.
* GetSmile fully supports lots of e-mail clients:
* GetSmile works with the most popular free online e-mail services like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail.
* GetSmile can insert smilies even in MS Word.
* You think drag&drop is the easiest way to insert smilies in your messages? GetSmile makes it even simpler. You need just one mouse click to insert a smilie! Of course, drag&drop and cut&paste are available too.
* With GetSmile you can capture almost every smilie from the Internet and add it to your collection.
* We distribute with GetSmile a free sample ready to use smilie collection containing more than 1600 smilies!
* You can create and distribute your own smilie collections.
* GetSmile code is specially optimized to simultaneously output hundreds of animated smilies. Even the most popular browsers cannot do that (well, they are not designed to be powerful smilie managers though ;)!
* The entire concept of the program's interface has one purpose - to make smilie management as easy as possible.
* Smilies can be automatically sorted.
* GetSmile supports statistics for every single smile.
* GetSmile has internal multi-clipboard. Several types of Paste command are available.
* GetSmile has a convenient adjustable smilie preview mode.
* You can set up different tags for separate smilie groups and even for single smilies.
* GetSmile has a smilie checking system to let you keep your smilies up to date with the Internet ones.
* You can create and store various text records.
* The program has native support of transparency (available under WinXP/2K)..
* GetSmile fully supports context help for almost all of its interface elements.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Requested by: acn_box

Activate this great freeware then you'll see smileys icon on the systray. When you wanna send smileys from your chat room or PM just click the icon. It will be post a nice smiley automatically.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Antivirus: Download PCMAV Final 1.1 (Update Build 2)

PCMAV Final 1.1 is a free antivirus software created by PC MEDIA Magazine. PCMAV Final 1.1 have 1.682 antivirus signatures and can be joining with clamav antivirus signatures.

Project Admins: PCMEDIA
Operating System: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)
License: Shareware
Category: Antivirus

Monday, March 24, 2008

Al Mufid Dictionary

Translate from Arabic to Indonesian and Indonesian to Arabic. With virtual keyboard, make you more easy to use :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Flash Prayer Time v12.5

Flash Prayer Time is an Islamic program made with Macromedia Flash MX that can calculates the prescribed five daily Islamic prayer times for anywhere in the world.

It is free, and doesn't need any installation. Just click on it and you will be able to calculate the prayer times and listen to the Prayer Call (Adhan).

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Islamic Fonts